Tag Archives: Home

The Design Process: Step 3 Measure

7 Feb

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The Design Process Step 2: Gather

1 Feb

(photo from Arugula Press’ flickr)


(photo from the craft begins)

If you haven’t already read it; Step 1 in the design process was to Look. Look around you . . . There is a reason why you’re designing , maybe it’s your home, your bedroom, your dorm. . . Maybe it’s not an interior space, maybe it’s a restaurant or boutique. Step 1 was to look around you, google it. Step 2 is to gather. Collect paint samples, Fabric swatches, images of furniture or fixtures you like. Stay organized during this process. Keep your goal readily available to you in the front of your mind, “I’m redecorating my bedroom”, ” I’m painting my kitchen”. Gather all your ideas in one place. This can be an inspiration board, or a box. Just get them all together. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Just focus on step 2. Gather, collect.

The Best Tool… Christmas list worthy

4 Dec

So I’m watching cool tools and I really want this new thing :
Hang and level: http://www.utrdecorating.com/index.php

You hang your picture on it; position it where you want it; take the picture back ofd; press a button that puts a perfect little dot exactly where you need to put your nail or screw in; and when you’re done, you can check to see that your picture is level by using the level BUILT IN!